Did you know that in the Netherlands...
One in eight people have a disability.
350,000 people have a visual impairment. 70% of them are sitting at home, but are ready to start working.
1.1 million people have an anxiety disorder.
1.1 million people have an LVB (mild intellectual disability).
2.5 million people are low-literate.
Mobility is essential for independence.
eZwayZ helps
How do we make the world accessible so that people with a (visual) impairment can more easily participate in society? How do we ensure more independence?
The eZwayZ app reduces the need for constant help from others, allowing users to explore new places independently. This gives people more confidence and the app helps users feel safer while travelling. They can trust the app to show them the way.
Designed with accessibility in mind, the app offers features such as voice commands, compatibility with screen readers and haptic feedback, making it easy to use even for people with limited technical skills.
In the process, the app can be customised to meet individual needs, such as adjusting the level of detail in directions or providing alerts for specific obstacles. This personalisation ensures that users get the guidance they need in a way that works best for them.
Experience for yourself?
Scan or click on the QR code to download the app. And visit the Rijksmuseum, NEMO or the Media Museum in the Netherlands to experience the app for yourself. Or visit the AFAS Experience Center in Leusden.