Tours module
Even easier
To make it even easier for a visitor, we are currently developing the Tours module. Upon arrival, the visitor chooses the desired tour and they are immediately guided from one point to another. You can skip a point if necessary, go back to a point or go one point further. The visitor only has to locate once and the tour starts.
Building managers can create one or more composite tours and also easily point them out in the eZwayZ cloud management module.
Is there a new exhibition or do you want to highlight the permanent collection? Setting up Tours allows visually impaired people to walk through the collections themselves. Each point in the tour gives them the desired information about the artwork.
And of course, this is not only fun for people with visual impairments. With Tours, any visitor can wander through the museum and be sure that every work of art within the exhibition has been visited.
Other buildings
You can use this module to set up an onboarding tour for new colleagues, for example. What are the most important places in the building?
Hospitals can use this module to set up routes to departments. Then visitors just need to choose the tour to get to an appointment on time.
Experience for yourself?
Scan or click on the QR code to download the app. And visit the Rijksmuseum, NEMO or the Media Museum in the Netherlands to experience the app for yourself. Or visit the AFAS Experience Center in Leusden.