Public Transport module
No effort
Being able to travel and visit buildings completely independently contributes a lot to the self-confidence of people with visual impairments. The Public Transport module makes this possible, without costing you any time.
In fact, you do not have to manage this module. As long as the streets to the building remain the same, this module is kept up-to-date by the eZwayZ team.
Freedom of movement
This module provides up-to-date public transport departure times and navigates the user to the correct bus stop or platform. The scan then includes paths to the bus stops or train station. The app displays the departure times with the corresponding stops or platforms. If times, platforms, etc. change, this is automatically reflected in the app.
By adding the Public Transport module, someone with a visual impairment no longer needs two apps to make the journey to the location. With the eZwayZ app, you can plan your journey and visit. This gives a lot of freedom of movement.
Experience for yourself?
Scan or click on the QR code to download the app. And visit the Rijksmuseum, NEMO or the Media Museum in the Netherlands to experience the app for yourself. Or visit the AFAS Experience Center in Leusden.